Inside Out: Glowing healthy skin starts from within.

As a brand, we believe in the transformative power of true oils. It is our heritage, our passion, our know-how.
An understanding of how oils in our diet can support the treatments we apply daily, may be the turn-key to the best skin of your life. Radiant, balanced and resilient; skin that resists the effects of lifestyle and the relentless march of time, maintains a strong barrier and exudes that natural dewy glow.
Skin health is about much more than fine lines and wrinkles we see in the mirror, the shift in texture on our neck and décolleté, a loss of tone in skin that changes the contour of our bodies…it is about the vitality of our skin. We believe, ageing is a privilege; the changes we see, are the story lines of our experiences, our journey, our love, life and laughter. The way our skin ages is both intrinsically determined (genetics) and extrinsically influenced (UV exposure, environment, lifestyle, diet and behaviour). When our way of life begins to show in our reflection, that is when we know our bodies are suffering from inflammatory responses that can lead to damage of the skin, creating evidence of hyperpigmentation, loss of tone and compromise to the skin barrier.
But, what we put on our skin, the lotions, potions, oils and creams…are just half the story. They are a further insurance policy for a healthy diet and lifestyle.
So, let’s go deeper, below the surface and explore how our dietary choices can impact our skin on a more profound level.
Not all fats are created equal.
The truth is, we need some form of “fat” in our diet, it gives energy, helps build cell membranes and is essential for key biological functions in our bodies, like supporting the absorption of key vitamins and minerals.
So we need to change our perspective – fat is our friend. But we need to choose our friends wisely.
Oil is not a food group, fat is, segmented into saturated and unsaturated.
Saturated and trans fats are mostly found in meat, dairy and artificially hydrolysed fats or oils (margarine for example). Saturated fats remain solid at room temperature, they are notorious contributors to arterial deposit build up, cholesterol elevation and, as well as not being the healthful choice for daily fitness; most seriously linked to heart disease.
Unsaturated fats are more healthful choices and are usually derived through plant, vegetable or fish oils. They are liquid in form at room temperature and their chemical structure helps promote healthy cholesterol and neutralise the impact of bad dietary choices.
Unsaturated fats can be further broken down into MUFA (monounsaturated fat) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) according to the number of double bonds that are present. What is a double bond? Well, in essence, the double bonds help the molecules within the oil from packing together and solidifying, meaning they are less likely to cause obstruction within our bodies, assimilating more readily with our biological needs and unlike saturated fats, will not build-up and create physiological strain. So, the more double bonds present - the more healthy the oil for our systems. PUFAs have more double bonds present and feature some of the key essential fatty acids.
Essential fatty acids (EFA) are required for biological function, but the body cannot produce them so they must be supplemented through diet.
Omega 3 – helps reduce the risk of heart disease, it is present in all cell membrane and key to triggering hormones for wound repair, inflammatory protection and clotting in the body, but is also advantageous in women’s health.
Omega 6 – (GLA Gamma-Linolenic Acid) helps with cognitive function, as well as helping stimulate hair and skin growth, support the reproductive system and balance metabolism.
Omega 9 – (Oleic Acid) helps regulate insulin, reduce “bad” cholesterol and control inflammatory responses.
EFAs are key to healthy, hydrated, supple skin with a resilient skin barrier. The epidermis is composed of a cellular and lipid matrix – the ECM (extra cellular matrix). The skin barrier is composed of 50% ceramides, 25% cholesterol, and 15% free fatty acids. Linolenic Acid is one of the most prominent lipids in the matrix, helping towards the formation of ceramides which are the “cement” of our wall of protection.
Research has discovered proteins within the skin structure, that transport dietary fatty acids to the outer skin layers, to help bolster skin barrier function. Without these essential fats in your diet your skin may become prone to inflammation, unevenness of texture, breakouts and dehydration.
Beauty: an inside job.
But, can you really eat your way to a glowing, radiant complexion?
Are we suggesting that by adding flaxseed to your shopping list and drizzling it over your overnight oats, you will be immune to the exposure of modern life?
No, not at all.
Certainly not known for being low in fat, the Mediterranean diet has been revered as healthful and nutritionally dense. Not only is the region an inspiration both in flavour, but also in ingredients and condiments that add nourishment and appear to sustain longevity of lifestyle, glowing complexions and skin tonicity. This continues to be a rich source of interest for scientists to understand the correlation between a diet rich in EFA plant oils and skin health. So it comes as no surprise that many of the foods recommended for healthy skin, barrier defence and biological balance can be found in Mediterranean oils extracted from fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Enriching our diets with the raw ingredients and their pressed oils, will help fortify the skin, nourish our bodies and help defend our vitality from the onslaught of modern life. Here are a few essentials to add to your shopping list.
Avocado & Olive – both these fruits are renowned as a rich source of “good fats”. A nutritionally dense source of omega 3, 6 and 9 (oleic acid). Easily obtained as raw fruit, an oil and a spread, simple to incorporate in a variety of meals, smoothies and cooking – olive oil is marginally higher in some key nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, iron and antioxidant Vitamin E, as well as being readily available, milder in taste and less expensive.
Studies into the supplementation of omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids into the diet have shown a positive stimulation of the reparative inflammatory processes within the body. Indeed, skin-specific reports around olive oil have shown the MUFAs help resist UV induced photoageing reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
Soybeans – rich in omega 3 and isoflavones, these adaptable legumes are amazing for skin elasticity and an essential for dietary support of women in hormonal fluctuation.
Walnuts, Almonds and Flaxseeds are some of the richest sources of antioxidants, as well as omega 3 and 6 which among other amazing physiological benefits, help support the inflammatory responses in the body. Nuts are rich sources of essential minerals, such as zinc and copper which help promote collagen synthesis which is key to skin tone, structure and resilience.
Studies have shown that a diet rich in omega 3 flaxseed oil appears to help decrease skin sensitivity, TEWL, skin texture unevenness and even UV over exposure.
Evening Primrose and Borage Oil – Research into dermatological conditions such as eczema, have shown that ingestion of omega 6 from Evening Primrose and Borage oils, have shown positive amelioration of the condition, soothing the skin, appeasing some of the itch and irritation.
If you’re looking to control your intake of less healthy fats and oils, avoid more processed foods and solid fats such as margarines, hard cheese, cakes and biscuits, processed meats, fats and oils.
Double your beauty; restore your essential you.
It is a remarkable and conscious partnership of living well and nourishing your body from within that will reveal the healthiest version of yourself.
Consider adding some soybeans, nut oils, avocado, olive oil and other omega rich sources of nutrition into your diet to nourish your body, feeding your skin and supporting natural cellular function to renew and revitalise your complexion. Work with your body and apply our Facial Oil every day. This luxurious oil blends revolutionary Retinol replacement Bakuchiol to work synergistically with Rosehip and Cacay Oils to firm, plump, and balance the tone of skin while helping avoid the irritation that some retinol products can cause, reflecting in a glowing, radiant skin that is balanced, protected and resilient.
A couple of the teams favourite recipes;
Avocado & black bean eggs recipe | BBC Good Food
Eggs offer a source of protein, vitamin D and B12. They also contain choline, a nutrient that supports the nervous system and helps to produce mood regulating brain chemicals. Not only a healthy (and creamy) source of fat, the avocados in this dish contain vitamin B5 which supports the adrenal glands (home to our stress hormone) – particularly beneficial during times of stress.
Sardines in tortillas with spicy tomato sauce and refried beans recipe - BBC Food – a great light lunch recipe!!
Sardinesca recipe - BBC Food - sardines are a great source of omega-3 and super cheap and easy!